Saturday, February 23, 2013

Why Using MIDI Is The Single Most Effective Way To Create Professional Quality Recordings

Ahhh MIDI... perhaps one of the most useful and convenient music production tools of the 21st century! Not only does it make for literally perfectly synced instrument tracks, but it is solely responsible for this relatively new era of electronically produced music.
So, what exactly is MIDI?

Well, put simply, MIDI is just another way to record instruments. Except there's one major catch:
When you record with MIDI, you are not processing actual audio signals. Quite the contrary, in fact. What you are actually doing when you record a MIDI track is recording information. This information consists of three major components, which are pitch, velocity, and duration. Basically, you are telling your recording software what note to play, how loud to play it, how long to play it, and when to play it. The beauty of this is threefold: One, you now have the ability to edit mistakes within a track without re-recording. Two, you now have the ability to perfectly sync a track to a specified tempo. And finally, three, you now have the ability to change the instrument that plays the recorded piece.
Think of the possibilities. With MIDI, you could essentially record a piano track to a song in one single take, while retaining the ability to edit any mistakes and quantize the performance to exactly match the right tempo. In addition, you could then take this same set of information and apply another sound to it, such as an organ or an acoustic guitar. After that, you could extract the bass notes from the original performance and create an entirely independent bass line. Through the use of MIDI, one could literally create an entire song from one single track!
For more information about how to use MIDI, stay tuned in for future blog posts!

As always, feel free to check out my band, Simple Interest, and take a listen to our music.


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